Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Definition of Certainty

 For TNJ

“…Our sincerest laughter
                With some pain is fraught;
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought…”

P.B. Shelley – To a Skylark

For hours I remember,
I’d keep watching the corridor,
Running by our classroom,
To catch a glimpse of you,
Knowing  you’d gift me a smile
I fondly recount even after the passage
Of a decade and a half.

On many a morning,
I’d come, soaked in sweat after a two miles’ ride from home,
To see you sweeping the leaves,
Around the Nelli tree
Where I’d see you hanging out with your friends.

The Angel of angels!
My heart still yearns for seeing you smile
Into my eyes,
For seeing the mischievous gleam
in your brownish eyes,
For chattering with you for hours on end
On a multitude of frivolities.

In a world that’s full of uncertainty
and change,
For you, however,
I’m the definition of certainty.
I’m the definition of constancy.